Friday, January 18, 2013

Thermotron management-- "I'm an Offensive Person" Speech


I really need help on this one. I live in holland michigan
Over the course of almost one year now I have been harrassed by a fellow employee.

She sent out an email that was a complete lie

(I have responses from the orginal source that counter everything she wrote).

The manager didn't meet her goals for a specific areas of work and tried to blaim it on me.

 She told her manager (my 2nd level), who happens to be a personal friend of hers, that she "Was dead in the water" because of me.

 I produced reports that showed she had a 5 week INCREASE in productivity in the area I was responsible for supporting.

I work in a secure area. My female counterpart was supplied with an access code to the area, I was not. In fact, the only people that have acess codes to the area are four females.

My 2nd level manager was well aware of the animousity that this fellow employee felt towards me and reorged me so that I am now her direct report.

When I mentioned that this was not a good idea given our past and I informed her that I saved all the emails that showed that my new manager misrepresents situations to paint me in a bad light (OK she lied). My 2nd level told me to delete them.

My new manager has continually tried to paint me in a bad light with my 2nd level. Anytime something is potentially negative surfaces or she can paint me in a bad light, she CCs my 2nd level on the email. Whenever I accomplish anything nothing is sent CCd to the 2nd level.

 I have all the email this is something I can prove

Most recently, I was involved in an auto accident and was told by her to take all the time off I needed. Then I was told was all I needed was a doctors release, which I provided.

After I had already been back to work for a week, she found out she violated company policy by not opening a short term disability claim and
my manger opened a claim on my behalf on Friday of that week.

The following Monday she served me with a letter stating that "Due to the fact that [I] was absent from work and had not supplied the proper medical documentation to support my absence, [They] were concerned about my intentions toward my job" and I was forced to leave the premises until I retroactively completed all the proper paperwork

. I called HR and formally filed a comlaint about the situation.

I was told I can report back tomorrow. However, I don't know how to proceed from here. I'm not sure I completely trust our companies' HR department (see below).

In addition, she is forcing me to retroactively take a short term medical leave supposedly to "protect the company".

When I mentioned that to the HR rep she said I "chose" to work while on leave (again I was not formally on leave at the time),

 however my manager had a fellow employee deliver a laptop out to me so that I could telecommute during the same time period that she is requiring that I file disability on. On the day I worked I was told that we could not push back the date of a project that we were working on.

 Although she didn't say "you better work that day", my company is currently downsizing, so the threat of termination to me was insuated.

Is this legal?

Can a company retroactively force an emplyee to take short term disability?

If there is a continual pattern harrassment in general is that grounds for a lawsuit?

Also, if I have second hand knowledge that my 2nd level said she "tries to make it easier for woman,

because she doesn't want them to face the barriers that she did", is that permissible in court?

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