Sunday, January 13, 2013

culture of a company is connected to the characteristics found in the surrounding society,

Corporate culture is a set of characteristics that define a business. It involves employee attitudes, standards (policies and procedures), and rites and rituals. The culture of a company is connected to the characteristics found in the surrounding society, but it also has some traits, such as a hierarchy system, that are unique. It can be negative, neutral, or positive, and although some businesses like to portray corporate culture as static, in most cases, it changes over time. Major Components and Development The attitude of those within a company is perhaps the most fundamental element of corporate culture. When executives, managers, and rank and file employees are all on the same page as far as basic corporate values, it becomes possible to have general agreement on the relationships that must be in place to accurately reflect the desired set of characteristics for the business. For example, when employees are provided with ways to make suggestions that could improve the productivity or the general working environment of the company, it can be said that the environment is inclusive, as it allows for free communication between everyone employed by the business.

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